Thursday 18 July 2013

Us :D

I hope you enjoyed our food trail as much as we did.:)

Racial and religious sensitivities:

Singapore is a multi-racial country, so we have different cultures together in Singapore. Such as Malays, Indians, Chinese and Eurasian. Each of these cultures have different ways of making their dish. We must respect each and every one race and understand their culture.



Amy - Leader, camera person, editor

Elfie - Editor, interviewer

Chelsea - Editor, scribe 

Hazirin - Editor 

Roopa - Editor, Interviewer

Together we work as a team to do this project. Though we had some hardships and we were a bit discouraged  when we were not able to interview some of the stall holders, we still tried our best and try to find other ways to get to know about each dish. After this food trail, we have learned more about the history and origins of the 5 food. Although this was a project, we still had fun doing this food trail together. This was a very enriching and fun experience.


"All the dishes were very delicious."

Research evidence:

Wikipedia, Infopedia,

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